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Capo Miseno
Capo Miseno - Welland Canal - May 27, 1972
Photographed while she was departing the Welland Canal and entering Lake Ontario at Port Weller, Ontario on 27 May 1972.
More details and photos for: Capo Miseno
Owner:Giovanni Carosini - ItalyCategory:General Cargo
Manager: Port/Flag:Genova, Italy
Dimensions:Length (oa): 148.5 m Beam: 18.5 mCall Sign: 
Built:Brodogradiliste 3 Maj, Rijeka, Yugoslavia - Entered service in 1956/04
Names:Silvaplana (1969), Capo Miseno (1977), Hwa Ho (1980)
Disposition:Wrecked on 25 October 1980

Photographer:Gordon Turner - Toronto, Ontario, CanadaCollection:Late Gordon Turner Collection (1930-2020) (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Format:Kodachrome slideViews:63 
Uploaded:2019-02-22 8:25 PM by Jeff Cameron
