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Alva C. Dinkey
Alva C. Dinkey - Welland Canal - October 8, 1980
Alva C. Dinkey tow in the Welland Canal at bridge 11 in Alanburg, Ontario, Canada on 8 October 1980.
More details and photos for: Alva C. Dinkey
Fleet:United States Steel - Great Lakes Fleet - Duluth, MinnesotaIMO:5013076 
Owner: Category:Bulk Carrier (Great Lakes)
Manager: Port/Flag:Duluth, Minnesota, United States
Dimensions:Length (oa): 183.2 m (601.0 ft) Length (lbp): 178.8 m (586.5 ft) Beam: 17.7 m (58.2 ft) Depth: 8.5 m (27.8 ft)Call Sign: 
Built:American Ship Building Company, Lorain, Ohio - Entered service on 1909/04/19
Names:Alva C. Dinkey
Disposition:Scrapped in El Ferrol del Caudillo, Spain by F. Nata Cuesta.
Arrived at yard on 1980/11/12.

Photographer:Al Sykes - Fonthill, Ontario, CanadaCollection:Late Alan Sykes Collection (1951-2004) (Fonthill, Ontario, Canada)
Format:Colour Negative 35mmViews:174 
Uploaded:2020-07-23 7:23 AM by Terry McCullough
