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<- PreviousLate Jim Hoffman Collection (1948-2020) (Toledo, Ohio, United States)Next ->
Tug Malcolm
Tug Malcolm - Toledo, Ohio, United States - April, 1979
At Toledo, Ohio during April of 1979 with Barbara Ann assisting American Steamship Company's John A. Kling.
More details and photos for: Tug Malcolm
Fleet:Malcolm Marine Inc. - St. Clair, MichiganIMO:7606633 
Owner:Malcolm Marine Inc. - St. Clair, MichiganCategory:Tug
Manager: Port/Flag:Marine City, Michigan, United States
Dimensions:Length (oa): 34.0 m (111.5 ft) Beam: 9.9 m (32.5 ft) Depth: 5.3 m (17.5 ft)Call Sign:WDE7729
Built:Levingston Shipbuilding Company, Orange, Texas, United States - Entered service on 1944/09/22
Names:ATR-106 (1944/06), ATA-179 (1948), Allegheny (1978), Tug Malcolm (1998), Matthew Beyel (2005), Alejandro

Photographer:Jim Hoffman - Toledo, Ohio, United StatesCollection:Late Jim Hoffman Collection (1948-2020) (Toledo, Ohio, United States)
Format:Kodachrome slideViews:49 
Uploaded:2022-02-12 11:49 AM by Jeff Cameron
