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HMS Britannia
HMS Britannia - Varennes, Québec, Canada - September 22, 1984
Her Majesty's Royal Yatch HMY Britannia as ahown while upbound on the St.Lawrence River off Varennes on September 22, 1984. She's flying the flag of Rear Admiral Royal Yatchs at the fore. He is the commanding officer of the ship.
More details and photos for: HMS Britannia
Owner:Royal Navy (UK)Category:Yacht - Royal Yacht
Manager: Port/Flag:United Kingdom
Dimensions:Length (oa): 126.0 m (413.4 ft) Beam: 17.0 m (55.8 ft) Depth: 4.6 m (15.1 ft)Call Sign:
Built:John Brown & Company, Clydebank, England - Entered service on 1954/01/14
Disposition:Retired and preserved as a museum ship at Edinburgh, Scotland since 1997

Photographer:Marc Piché - Vercheres, QuebecCollection:Marc Piché Collection (Verchères, Quebec, Canada)
Format:Kodachrome slideViews:38 
Uploaded:2022-01-20 11:28 AM by Marc Piché
