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USCGC Sundew
USCGC Sundew - Duluth, Minnesota, USA - April 5, 2003
USCGC Sundew alongside Canadian Coast Guard Ship (CCGS) Samuel Risley in the approaches to Duluth, Minnesota. The Sundew was carrying Captains from several US-flag 'Lakers' to show them the ice conditions that they would face when leaving Duluth/Superior to start the shipping season.

CCGS Samuel Risley, 8800 hp, was able to open a track for the commercial ships. Sundew, as a buoy-tender, was a bit less ice-capable than the Risley.
More details and photos for: USCGC Sundew (WLB-404)
Fleet:United States Coast GuardIMO:8635100 
Owner: Category:Coast Guard (United States)
Manager: Port/Flag:United States
Dimensions: Call Sign: 
Names:USCGC Sundew (WLB-404)

Photographer:Capt. Paul Beesley - Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USACollection:Capt. Paul Beesley Collection (Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA)
Format:Digital PhotographViews:17 
Uploaded:2023-03-12 10:16 AM by Paul Beesley
