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Martian - St. Marys River, Sault Ste. Marie - July, 1954
Photographed while sailing downbound on the St. Marys River at Mission Point, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan during July 1954.
More details and photos for: Martian
Fleet:Canada Steamship Lines - CanadaIMO:5226958 
Owner: Category:Package Freighter
Manager: Port/Flag:Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada
Dimensions:Length (oa): 366.0 ft Beam: 48.0 ft Depth: 23.9 ftCall Sign:
Built:American Ship Building Company, Lorain, Ohio - Entered service on 1901/05/04
Names:Neptune (1937), William M. Connelly (1948), Martian (1970)
Disposition:Vado, Italy
Arrived at yard on 1970/07/16.

Photographer:Photographer UnknownCollection:Joe Cioletti, Steve Haverty & Nathan Leindecker Collection
Format:Black & White NegativeViews:135 
Uploaded:2019-02-25 11:45 PM by Joe Cioletti, Steve Haverty, Nathan Leindecker & Matt Miner Collection
